Friday, March 12, 2010


Sanyasi is a person who follows sanyasa. A sanyasi will not have any possessions, he has to relinquish all material wealth and adopt a life of austerity. The person practises yoga and meditation, with single minded devotion to God, to achieve samadhi and subsequently, moksha.

Recently a sanyasi was booked for his alleged illegal activities with an actress .Shame on all indians! In India you can see this rare species among homosapiens . India is the only country where you can see GODS ON ROADS. For any job you require a qualification.There are only two lucrative jobs which needs no educational qualification.One is politician and the other is the saint.Both can succeed if there are gullible public to follow .You can establish a kingdom of your own if you can make them believe that you are exceptional. A politician should have the gift of the gab. But a saint? just a couple of cunningly sharp eyes! Idiot is the best word you can use to describe those who believe that a human being can give salvation to another.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The words "Dick" and "head" come to mind! Mr Babu you sound like a prick! Your ignorance of the spiritual astounds me. Saint have and do exist. You cannot paint all holy men with the same brush.