Anti Smoking Day, 31st of May.
Every year on 31st of May, the whole world celebrates the Anti-smoking day in the wake of wiping out this disease from our socities.
Let's take views of people to see what they think about smoking and why or why not they quit it for once and for all. I guess the focus should be on the following issues.
Why and how do people start smoking in the first place What is the most vulnerable age for getting hooked-on to it The urge that motivates smokers to smoke Good or Bad affects of smoking The issues involved in quitting it Role of peer/ social pressure in starting smoking Role of peer/ social pressure in quitting smoking The difference a smoker feels in his life, once he quits smoking I hope this debate would be quite healthy and would enlighten a lot of readers to choose or loose smoking.
I have been a smoker for more then 10 years now ! and have always supported smokers as i believe they are part of the society and have a right to smoke but as of today let me answer the question in real fact![also i am the author of the post Smoking is not injurious to health ]
Why did i start smoking ?Just for the sake of it, it can be blamed on Media, probably as if you remember 10 years from now Ad's for cigarettes always portrayed thrill, fun and beautiful women and at the age of 14 - 16 thats what attracts you subconsciously, so for the sake of thrill usually we start to smoke , try something new etc... then there is also easy availability, the upper smoking generation who might inspire you and lots more to be blamed i guess, but in the end its a personal choice to smoke or not to!
What is the most vulnerable age for getting hooked-on to it From age 12 onwards, at my time kids in class 8th & 9th started smoking but now a days its kids in class 5th & 6th as well, who start smoking, so keep an eye on your kids and if you want to know how to find out if your kid smokes ask me. Also there is a rapid increase in Female smoking as well, i personally like women who smoke but yet again its not good :( so keep an eye on your female generation as well.
The urge that motivates smokers to smokeThe taste of cigarettes dies after 1-2 years after which your body becomes dependent on tobacco & nicotean, and if you don't smoke u ll have headaches, nervousness , and anxiety. Its an addiction!
Good or Bad affects of smokingGood effects are that it helps you balance your stress, depression, and gives you mental satisfaction that when you are smoking you are relaxing. Its extremely enjoyable if you smoke after lunch, when you get a "Saroor" out of cigarettes.Bad Effects! It causes cancer, kills your stamina, help you get a heart attack at age 30, and for women cause problems in pregnancy, for passive smokers its more dangerous and injurious and for environment its pollution.
The issues involved in quitting itAs i mentioned your body gets used to it so quiting is bit hard for a week or so,u ll have headaches, nervousness , and anxiety. Quiting is mainly dependent on your motivation to quit, as i say its a personal choice so if you want to quit then you can quit. Also best time for men to quit is when they get engaged or married and there wives ask them then they might for a few years :P
The difference a smoker feels in his life, once he quits smokingThis i don't know how he feels in his life, i haven't quit yet, i guess he would feel like a looser!:)But in the end every smoker quits, cause every smoker knows that it is injurious to health and it will cause him health problems in future. Keeping in view of our current living standards where there is lack of exercise, lack of healthy food, lack of healthy environment smoking is way more injurious then before. So non smokers keep your war alive smokers try to quit ! for me i haven't yet decided to quit but i am trying to reduce it as it do causes certain problems at young age as well.
Thanks for such informing and detailed post. It's good to have such insight from a smoker for all the rest of us to stay away from it. The government should run programs to make sure that under 18 should not be get cigrattes.
i have been a smoker for almost 2 years and i know that it is a bad disease,but i can'nt leave it.....may be i have not tried to leave it....I totaly blame our socity and media.........Our ministry of health heart us....how...and why?????........reason:as we see that the commertials of smoking are so time holding but at the end the ministry of health just show a little statement ... that...smoking causes cancer and many heart diseases .................i think some program should held for antismoking by the group work of ministry of health and media.......thnxxx
i m a passive smoker....i feel so dismayed n helpless when i think of those poor alveoli in my lungs.... media does play a role but it would b blatant exaggeration to make it solely responsible for this habit....i m also xposed to the same adds but they fail to lure me...so i guess one's environment also contributes in this choice in addition to other factors...
Smoked 3 packs a day for 4 years, quit cold turkey about 11 years ago.
As a smoker, 11 years ago, my energy level was always low (lower after a smoke) I could run for half a mile (10 minutes); currently I run 5 miles every other day, work full time, run my own business, remain active througout the day and require around 6 hours sleep time to be ready for a new day.
Thanks to not smoking? You bet